Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year Resolutions

New Year is just like any other holiday; all I'm saying it that is comes around every year. Some could call this day a total fiasco. The reasons behind calling it such, is all the broken promises that we make. With nothing further ado, I am going to my some goals....

Have the best year yet with the Wife (I love her),
Visit family more often (they say I don't hang around the house much)
Solve the Riemann Hypothesis (we mathematicians will see life in a different light)
Try to read 3 Books a month (I see speed reading in my future)
Write 4 Books this year (that'll be one each quarter)
Sell one of my scripts to Hollywood and take the proceeding and Film my favorite script (this will be the best thing that ever happened to my career)
Together with the wife construct chiseled (me) and firm (her) beach bodies (I hope this isn't over anyone's head)
Try to eat food that's good for the body (I'll be sure to get back with you all on this one)
Defeat Bobby Fischer in Chess
(I have one even better than this)
Win the WSOP (everybody faithful definitely knows what I'm talking about.

Feel free to comment however you like and I won't be mad regardless. I like to hear y'alls input, it is a big part of my motivation. I hope you all had a good New Year. Think Fast, Be Creative and Good Luck,



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