Saturday, December 10, 2005

Rough, but goodnight

Tonight was poker night for me and a few of my buddies. We all met at Julie's house between 7-9PM. The ante was the same as always, and everybody ever so eager trying to multiply their money times five.

The game started out slow for me the second week in a row and it is a bit obnoxious. Julie tends to take me out of every game. She sits next to me and it is like she has telekinesis when it comes to my hand.

I was the first person to lose all of my chips. The person that took my chips actually won the whole tournament. I've heard that the House always win, ironically we played a Julie's house tonight.

Take all the Poker blessings that you come by, because I'm coming to get you at warp speed. No more losses, no more comforts, need is the full bankroll.

See you all next week to indulge in your pockets!!!


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